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Bee bums, Blooms and Baby Leaves


Spring and my plans for the farm have certainly tested my patience this year! The weather has been a hodgepodge of glorious, warm, sunny days, overcast drippy, dreary cool days and downright frigid, wind-howly snow-shower days and nights. A surgery earlier this month has found me unable to do more than pout as I view the beginnings of my garden....from inside. A projected 12 week "recovery" is certainly going to test my ability to "let nature take its course." And there is a lesson to all of this. Nature does not ask for permission to do what she needs to do. She does not ask us what we would prefer nor does she look at our penciled in calendars and attempt to do what will fit into OUR schedules. She does what needs to be done for the health and well-being of all she watches over.

So, this finds me looking for the bright spots, resting when my body says it needs it and accepting that the world will turn without my directing which way. Yesterday was a bitterly cold overcast day. Today it finally warmed up for it to be comfortable to bundle up and adventure out for a bit. I hope you'll like what I spied with my little eye.

A bee's bum sticking out of the beautiful daffodils in my front garden. This is our first Spring on the farm. One year last week was the first time we ventured up what was to become our driveway. I remember Dave and I exchanging glances as that gravel road kept winding around and became steeper and steeper. Then we crested the top and found ourselves taking deep breaths. We knew we were home. While I explored the house under the watchful eye of Jean and Bill, Dave's mind was only on what could be his new workshop. To this day he has no recollection of what the 3 upstairs bedrooms looked like on that first visit. That was because he didn't even go up there!! Butt back to the bee! So very busy collecting pollen to feed herself while pollinating the flowers to be sure there will be more next year. How is nature so very clever to know she needs to plan ahead?

Baby leaves abound EVERYWHERE I look. I relocated many plants from our homes in Indiana and it brings me a smile to see they made it through the winter. We have come to learn that the wonderful breeze we commented on when we toured the property a year ago can be a raging, non-stop wind during the Winter. Very few trees are near the house to form any sort of barrier. It gushes between the house and the garage and swirls around the back of the house onto the deck. I learned this year that I should plan for mostly indoor projects here in the Winter. There are some glorious, bright sunny day when, properly bundled, adventuring outside might be considered "bracing" but I don't plan to take up cross country skiing here.

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