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Exploring our place


With the leaves off the trees and temperatures in the high 40s it was the perfect afternoon to explore the farm. It boggles my mind that we have been here for 6 months now and we STILL have not tromped around the whole place to find all the treasures!

We've had rain and warm temps for a week now so the edges of the hay fields are squishy with mud. While Dave might prefer tearing around in Bo (Kubota) he was kind to me and kept to a more sedate pace. Outfitted with my new, electric ear muffs and the 19" machete Dave presented as a Christmas gift for me (we know who will get the most use from that?) off we set.

We discovered we have a creek at the south end of the property! I cannot tell you how excited we are!

We knew there was one on the edge of our neighbor's property across Spook Hollow Rd but to have running water on our property is amazing. It topples over ledges of rock and forms a small pool that will be perfect on a hot Summer's day. Dave has already launched into the planning stages for clearing an old, unused logging trail for easier access.

While the hike down to the creek would be challenging but do-able, the long, steep climb back up would completely undo the cooling effects of a long soak.

We are actively site planning for the perfect setting for the future "guest stay" yurt. The original site has been scrapped as it turned out to be nearly at the edge of our property line. Our plans of walking/hiking paths for guests to enjoy led us towards areas that are surrounded with our own acres so we can develop them without fear of sending people onto neighbors' land. Discovering interesting flora even near the end of December!

I think we have settled on the tip of the second "finger" of our southern hay fields at the top of the old logging trail. I hope you'll follow along as we put out designs into action!

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