We are trying to hold ourselves back but we aren't very good at that. Spring will officially be here in 21 days! That only gives me 3 weeks to have everything set to jump right in. While I won't be actually planting much at that time, I may be able to get some of the cool weather plants in the ground then try to pace myself so I don't put my seedlings out too soon.
The chicken coup and run are now officially complete! The cold weather
had us focusing more on indoor projects after getting the flock settled in a comfy, cozy coup with covered, screened-in side porch last Fall. We repurposed an old, wooden swing set into a large run space and finally connected the two spaces with

a chunnel (Chicken Tunnel) today. All outdoor AND indoor spaces are COMPLETELY wrapped in 1/2' hardware clothe to prevent predators from snacking on my flock. My trail cam has picked up squirrels, rabbits, opossums, a rat, coyotes and this charming stinker. They are all part of the nature here but I do not have to provide them with meals.
We broke ground on the 60' diameter circle garden this week. I first tried using the tractor but that made a muddy mess without much progress. Today Dave went around and around and around with the tiller. Poor guy needs some serious massage work very soon! The garden will give me about 3000 sq ft for perennials and some veggies. There will be other beds for the main vegetable gardens but I wanted to have something "different" also. Follow along to see if I can bring my imagination to life in this space.
